
Peet / PTE Project Roadmap

EARLY Q3 2020 - Deploy PTE on Ethereum blockchain, Add initial liquidity to asset pools.

LATE Q3 2020 - Integration with, Start of liquidity provider rewards on Uniswap.

EARLY Q4 2020 - Community growth programs, Userbase expansion and education.

Q4 2020 - Community governance begins via Aragon Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).

LATE Q4 2020 to Q1 2021 - Deploy PTE on its second blockchain: Neo, Waves, or Binance Chain.

Q1 2021 - Release Peet beta. Integrate cross-chain interoperability to maximize capital efficiency, reduce fees using Path of Least Resistance POLR protocol.

Q1 to Q2 2021 - Centralized exchange listings of PTE.

Q2 2021 - Chainlink integration for processing real world data inputs, Begin to offer collateralization of off chain assets in return for PTE.

Q2 to Q3 2021 - Mainnet launch of Peet Platform.

Last updated